During this first semester I have attended several workshops laid on by the university. The first workshop which I attended was the 'Black and White Chemical Photography' session, this was run by Ken Grint. There was another session later on in the term which I also attended alone, as no-one else turned up, this was fantastic for me as I got a one-on-one session for 2 hours. During the first session as none of us had managed to obtain our own processed negatives, we used a negative from Ken himself to learn how to select the correct contrast and exposure time. I found this workshop in particularly fascinating, I got a lot out of it and gained a lot of new skills. Ken taught us how to process our own negatives and how to develop our own prints from our negatives with the correct contrast etc.
This was my outcome...
Another workshop that I attended was Screen Printing. This was run by Kid Acne, a practicing print maker. During this I just wanted to see what type of effect I would get from the screen print and whether or not it would create the effect that I was aiming for.
I used one of the images that I printed myself in the dark room and played around with that during the workshop. I have screen printed before so I knew how to create the actual screen, this sped up the process a lot.
Here is the outcome of the image that I printed...
The final workshop that I attended during this first semester was photo-etching.This is something which I have never done before, so I was very excited about attempting a new
All of this work that I have done over the few workshops that I attended I will be using as part of my portfolio to go towards my 20% assessment on the 10th January.